Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT

TransMilenio (Bogota)

updated: 12 November 2016    Full page map    Bogota BRT photos

Peak throughput (passengers / hr / direction): 37,700  Nth of Calle 76, S-N, PM peak 21-Jan-13. AM N-S 35,160   
BRT Standard score: GOLD   
Year system commenced: 2000   
System name: TransMilenio   
Number of BRT stations: 144   
Segregated busways or bus-only roadways:    
Pre-board fare collection and fare verification:    


Peak throughput (passengers / hr / direction): 37,700  Nth of Calle 76, S-N, PM peak 21-Jan-13. AM N-S 35,160   
Peak buses / hr / direction: 312  25-Jun-13, Calle 76 station, AM peak, N-S   
AM peak speed (full corridor, peak direction): 42.8km/hr  Avg of full trip in each corridor. Uses express routes (Sep-21)   
PM peak speed (full corridor, peak direction): 42.7km/hr  Avg of full trip in each corridor. Uses express routes (Sep-21)   
BRT system coverage (2-way roads) (1 fare): 310 km  Approximate. Not incl. Airport and Carrera 10 corridors   
Operational mode: trunk-feeder   
Routes operating both inside & outside BRT roads: 0   
Routes operating only in busway corridors: 102  94 express, 8 all-stop (not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors)   
System passenger-trips per day: 2,470,000  TransMilenio data from 2019   
Average bus occupancy (peak direction & point): 132   
Highest peak hour boardings at a single station: 8,000  Survey on 20-Jun-11 at Calle 100 station   
Major prizes: 2005 Sustainable Transport Award; multiple national & international awards   
Network of routes and corridors     
High peak period operational speed (>20km/hr)     
Buses operating both in & out of BRT corridors     Integrated feeders
Most bus passengers in BRT corridors carried by BRT buses     
Net time saving for bus passengers in corridor     

Vehicles & ITS

Fleet of special BRT buses: 1,215  Not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors   
Fleet of regular buses using BRT stations: 0   
Fleet of 18m or larger BRT buses: 1,215  Not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors   
Fleet of integrated BRT feeder buses: 515  Not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors   
Location of bus doorways: Left side  traffic is on the right   
Number of doors in BRT buses: 4  7 in the bi-articulated buses   
BRT vehicle length: 18m, 24.5  also 8-12m feeder buses   
No. of seats in 18m BRT buses: 48  ranges from 44-48. 54-62 seats in bi-articulated buses   
BRT vehicle fuel: diesel   
BRT bus manufacturer: Volvo, Mercedes, Scania   
Real-time next bus information displays     
Distinctive BRT buses     
Sliding doors in BRT stations     
Low-emission vehicle technology (≥Euro III)     
Automated fare collection and fare verification     
System control centre     
High-quality passenger information on buses     Next 2 stops are displayed, but not other information
Audio announcements on BRT buses     


BRT Standard score: GOLD   
Year system commenced: 2000   
System name: TransMilenio   
Project website:   
Distinctive marketing identity for system     TransMilenio

Electric buses

Speed refers to sections of routes operating inside BRT corridors, with samples from all corridors


Number of BRT stations: 144   
Stations with functioning passing lanes: 100%   
Most station substops: 4   
Location of busway lanes: Centre of roadway   
Longest BRT station (non terminal): 365m  2-module offset stations; long connecting walkways   
Shortest BRT station: 55m  one module central platform   
Total length of dedicated busway: 105 km  Incl. Airport and Carrera 10 corridors   
Length including mixed traffic portions: 108 km  Incl. Airport and Carrera 10 corridors   
Station platform width (including walls & doors): 5m   
Station platform height: 1m   
Average distance between stations: 790m   
Number of corridors: 11   
Number of BRT terminals: 7  Plus 6 interchange stations (not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors)   
Number of BRT depots: 7  not incl. Airport & Carrera 10 corridors   
Segregated busways or bus-only roadways     
Enhanced station (more than just a bus shelter)     
Overtaking lanes at more than 75% of stations     
Bike sharing in vicinity of BRT stations     
Wheelchair accessible stations     
Distinctive BRT stations     
>1 substop at >75% of stations (requires overtaking)     
Includes BRT-only tunnels or bridges     
>1 stop position at stopping area at >75% of stations     Mostly only one position
Stations away from intersections     
Station size based on passenger demand     
Full weather protection on most station platforms     
Full weather protection on all station platforms     
Covered station access     Probably not needed, given climate
Escalators/lifts at >20% of stations with bridges/tunnels     
Signal priority or grade separation at intersections     
Level boarding and alighting     high floor buses and stations
High-quality passenger information at stations     Though hard to understand for visitors
Bicycle parking at BRT stations     At some stations and terminals
Segregated bike lanes along main corridor(s)     Some but not all corridors
Improvements to nearby public space     
Physical BRT laneway dividers     

Regulation & costs

Fare type (flat fare or distance-based): flat fare   
Median cash fare: 1,700 peso  1,700 peso peak, 1,400 off peak   
Median smart card fare: 1,700 peso  1,700 peso peak, 1,400 off peak   
Infrastructure cost per km: US$18,574,652  Phase 1 (2013 value)   
BRT management agency: Transmilenio S.A.   
Operating hours: 5:30am-10:00pm  Feeders from 4.30am-11.45pm   
More than one BRT bus operator     
Pre-board fare collection and fare verification     
Competitively bid operating contracts     
Payment per bus-kilometre rather than per passenger     
No operational subsidy from government     no subsidy
Buses paid for by operators rather than government     
Oversight from an independent entity/agency     
BRT authority plans and controls the system     

Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT Bogota BRT

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